2024 Day Comp information


Welcome to netball for 2024.

PlayHQ is the platform for netball registrations for 2024. If you registered in this system previously please have your log-in and password ready.

Links to register are hereunder.

Photograph – could you please upload a photograph to your profile in PlayHQ. When you log-in your account in PlayHQ, just follow the instructions in that system.

Our club online registrations will be open in PlayHQ from 09.00 am on 4 January 2024 and will close as follows:

  • Closing date – Juniors – for those seeking to play in 10’s – Thursday, 15 February 2024.
  • Closing date – NetSetGo, 11’s, 12’s, 13’s 14’s, 15’s, Inters, and Seniors – 28 February 2024

Fees for 2024

  • Senior player – $320.00 plus PlayHQ fees
  • Junior playing as Senior – $320.00 (must be turning 14 in 2024) plus PlayHQ fees
  • Intermediate (18 years only) playing in Inters – $320.00 plus PlayHQ fees
  • Intermediate player – $280.00 plus PlayHQ fees
  • Junior player – $280.00 plus PlayHQ fees
  • NetSetGo player – $280.00 plus PlayHQ Fees
  • Non-Players – no fees

When registering in PlayHQ the above fees will be broken down to the following four (4) categories:

  1. Australia Netball fee;
  2. Netball NSW fee;
  3. Randwick Netball Association (RNA) fee; and
  4. Marrickville RSL All Stars Netball Club Inc (MRSL All Stars) fee.

When you submit your online registration you should receive an invoice from notifications@playHQ.com.

Withdrawal of registration

If you register and then decide not to play, the following will be applicable:

  • An administration fee of $30.00 for MRSL All Stars will apply to any withdrawal at any time. 
  • If you register and then decide not to play, there is no penalty, except the $30 administrative fee, so long as you do so on for before 29 February 2024.
  • If you withdraw on or after 1 March 2024, the $30 administrative fee, the Netball NSW and the Australia Netball fees will not be refunded.
  • If you withdraw on or after 24 March 2024, the $30 administrative fee, the Netball NSW and the Australia Netball fees will not be refunded. An additional $20.00 RNA administration may also apply.
  • No refund will be provided if the player takes the court.

Withdrawal process

  • To de-register, you must email our Treasurer Mary McGrath (marymcg@bigpond.net.au) advising of your de-registration.
  • Upon receipt of a de-registration request, MRSL All Stars must formally write to RNA who then apply to Netball NSW.
  • Netball NSW will have the final say if a de-registration is to be approved.
  • No refund will be provided until the de-registration is formally approved and accepted by NNSW.


By submitting the online netball registration, you agree to abide and not breach the policies of MRSL All Stars, RNA and Netball NSW. Policies can be found at:

Should our club’s or RNA policies be silent, the Netball NSW policies will apply.


PlayHQ allows for online payment at the time of the registration. Please have your credit/debit card ready and if applicable, Active Kids Voucher number (see further comments hereunder) as you will need them to complete your registration.

If there is a reason that you seek to pay-off you fees, or your fees will be paid by a third party (outside sponsorship), you will need to contact our Treasurer Mary McGrath (marymcg@bigpond.net.au. Subject to mutual agreement, a voucher number will be provided to allow the registration to proceed. If you are applying for a voucher you will need to include in your email if you will be using an active kids voucher. You will also need to include the name of the player and the category (ie Junior, Senior player) in the email.

Sibling discounts are available. The netball club will refund the discounts, if applicable, after Round 1. You will need to email our Treasurer (marymcg@bigpond.net.au) and provide your bank details so that a refund can be made electronically. Due to issues identified in the previous years, the netball club does not wish to apply discount in PlayHQ. You can contact our Treasurer Mary McGrath (marymcg@bigpond.net.au) if you have any questions about the sibling discount.

Links for player and non player registrations

Registrations have closed. If you are from an existing playing joining an existing team or have been advised by the Junior and/or Senior Convenor, you need to send and email to: marymcg@bigpond.net.au to obtain a link.

To ascertain if we have any vacancies please contact:

Junior Convenor – NSG and Juniors

Senior Convenor – Senior and Inters

When you click on the link to register it will open to a welcome page. At the bottom of that page click on “Get started”. You will then need to login to your account. If you don’t have any account, you will need to create a profile so click on “Create an account”. You will need to follow the instructions to complete your online registration. Please note your login details so that you can use again next year.

Seniors, Juniors and Inters have all been grouped on one registration. NSG and Non players have a separate registration form.

  • Senior, Inters and Junior players – 09 years to 18 and over (see comments hereunder re 09 years)
  • NetSetGo players – 07 years to 09 years – see comments hereunder re 09 years.
  • Non-Players ie Coaches, umpires and officials.

When you click on the applicable link above, you will need to follow the instructions. Each link has a category of roles and membership. Please select player and 12-month membership.

  • If you are turning 09 years and seek to play in the 10 years age group, you must register as a junior player.
  • If you are turning 13, 14 or 15 years and seek to play in Inters, you must register as an Intermediate player.
  • If you are turning 18 this year and seek to play with friends in the intermediate grade, please use Intermediate registration form.

When you submit your online registration you should receive an invoice from notifications@playHQ.com.

Other information

Team coaching

A “Payment Policy” for Team Coaches is available on our website.

All coaches must be registered with Netball NSW and RNA. If you are a player with our club or another club, you will be required to pay your registrations fees.

If you are a non-player who is coaching, there are no fees to register.


A “Payment Policy” for umpires is available on our website.


Selections will be held for our top two team, Inters Division 1, and Division 1 in the 15, 14, 13, 12 and 11’s.

10’s grading

For the 10’s divisions, a compulsory training session before grading will be held on 19 February 2024 at Heffron Park. Sign on at 4.30 pm for a 5.00 pm start. The training session will go unit 6.30 pm. The 10’s will be graded on 20 February 2024 at Heffron Park – sign on at 4.30 pm for a 5.00 pm start. The grading will go until 6.30 pm.

It is compulsory for all registered players seeking to play in the 10’s to attend the training session on 19 February 2024 and grading on 20 February 2024.

11’s, 12’s and 13’s grading

Grading for 11’s, 12’s and 13’s will be held on Saturday, 2 March 2024 at Heffron Courts. Times will be confirmed after registrations have closed and once we know the numbers for each age group.

15’s and inters

Grading for our top two team ie A pool will be held on Friday, 1 March 2024 at Heffron Courts. Sign on at 6.30 pm for a 7.00 pm. The grading should conclude at 8.30 pm.

Information about selection dates will be posted on our website and social media pages. All Selections will be held at Heffron Park.


There is an option on the registration form to indicate if you require any or all part of the uniform. Payment for any uniform items will occur at the time of collection. The Netball Club will advertise try-on dates and uniform collection.

Active Kids Voucher

In 2024 a new Active and Creative Kids Voucher ($50.00) will be introduced by the NSW Government on 1 February 2024. If you have a 2023 AKV and have not used that you can use that up to and including 31 January 2024.

To assist you in understanding the new AKV the NSW Government issued a media release – https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/news/active-and-creative-kids-program-provides-sustainable-support-for-nsw-kids

If you are registering prior to the introduction of the new Active & Creative voucher on 1 February 2024, don’t worry, you can submit voucher number after you obtain it on 1 February 2024 to our Treasurer (marymcg@bigpond.net.au) who is a provided for the scheme and she will submit your voucher on your behalf. Upon those monies being credited to our account, a refund for the voucher amount will be arrange, if applicable.

When using the voucher as part of your registration, you will need to imput the number of the voucher on the payment and summary page of the registration form. At the bottom of that page you will see “I have a government voucher“. Click on that link to add the Active Kids voucher number (16 digits).

Please be careful when imputing the 16 digit number. If it does not accept you may have entered the numbers incorrectly or the name, date of birth may not match. Also, no spaces when entering the 16 digit number.

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