Coaching a team within our club


If you wish to coach a team(s) within our club you must complete and submit the following online nomination form.

Coaching - Nomination

If you are seeking to coach a team within our netball club you will need to complete the following.

  • If you wish to submit a nomination to coach a team within our club the following form must be completed. You must have a current WorkIng With Children's check. Links to this check can be found on our home page.

    If you do not have a Working with Children check approval go to our home page and follow the link on what you need to do. You cannot coach a team until you obtain this check. Please refer to the club's coaching policy (go to home page and click on "Policy Codes"
  • If you do not have a home contact number write NA.
  • Max. file size: 100 MB.
  • If you do not have a Working with Children's check expiry date, write NA.
  • Note: When you click on the submit button there may be a slight delay due to the acknowledgement form is being generated.

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