Registration Forms
Before clicking on any link hereunder, it is strongly suggested that you read the information for the 2025 Day Competition.
How to register with Play HQ
To ascertain if we have any vacancies please contact:
Junior Convenor – NSG and Juniors
Senior Convenor – Senior and Inters
All players seeking to play with MRSL All Stars are required to complete the online registration process through PlayHQ.
Select which registration product you need according to the player’s age 31 Dec 2025. Then proceed through the registration form answering ALL questions.
Any problems please email:
You will need to follow the instructions the instructions in PlayHQ when you click on the your link hereunder.
Links for the following registrations will be available from 1 January 2025
- Senior, Inter and Junior player (09’s to 18 years and over)
- NetSetGo – 07 years to 09 years (see comment hereunder)
- Non-player – Coaches, officials and umpires
- If you are turning 09 years and seek to play in the 10 years age group, you must register as a junior player.
Incident Reporting Form
Netball NSW have introduced an Incident Reporting Form that all netball associations are now required to use.
If you wish to lodge a complaint about a game, an umpire or official you will need to complete the “Incident Reporting Form“. Do not write on the back of a score card as the Association will not take any action.
If you do lodge a “Incident Reporting Form”. it is suggested that you bring this to the attention of our Club Secretary.