Payment Options

All netball fees must be paid at the time of registration unless you have approval from our Treasurer to pay fees via a payment plan. If a payment plan has been approved, the following payment options are available:

  1. Electronic transfer – St George Bank – BSB: 112 879 Account No : 119 831 135 – Reference:  your name or mobile number.  If you reference by Name please ensure that it is the players name, not the parent or guardian
  2. Cardless deposit with St George Bank (Smart ATM) – BSB: 112 879 Account No: 119 831 135 – reference:  you will be required to insert your name and mobile number
  3. at the counter of any St George Bank – BSB: 112 879 Account No : 119 831 135 – Reference:  your mobile number.
  4. EFTPOS machine is available for credit card payments. This facility will be available on Saturday during the netball season or at any event that is held.

Payment Receipt

The netball club will write a receipt for every payment received.  Unless you otherwise advise, the receipt will remain in receipt book.